Do you eat too quickly?

We can help:

Are you uncomfortable, not just full after a meal?

Pay attention

When it comes time to eat, pay attention to what’s around you. Turn off the TV and watch what’s on your plate, really pay attention and savor each bite!

How’s your mood?

People who eat mindlessly are apt to eat more quickly and tend to eat more, resulting in feelings of discomfort and guilt afterward. Ask yourself if you’re really hungry, you’ll know if you are. We will help you eliminate mindless eating.

Your dining history

We are what we eat, we are also the habits that we bring to the table. If you’ve been eating fast for a long time, practice going slow by allocating time for each meal. This will enable you to really find out what your body needs and how much of it. We will help you change outdated eating habits.

Celebrate food

We live in a fast-paced world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the culinary rituals of our culture and share this with others. Take the time to celebrate through your senses! You’ll find color and smell to be exhilarating, we eat with our eyes.

Try smaller serving pieces

If you put something you love on a smaller plate, it will help you manage weight and create an opportunity to go slower and take smaller bites. This gives your body time to sense fullness without denying you the pleasure of foods you love.

Dedicate time to eat.

If you feel you need structure during your meals, dedicate time to eat. If you know when the next meal is, you can approach it relaxed and stress-free. We will help you plan and prep in a way that suits your lifestyle!

Take your time with food and allow your senses to catch up, your body will thank you!

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